October 22, 2024

Tips To write Dissertation Methodology Strategy for Beginners


The methodology is essential to dissertation homework, enabling a thorough understanding of the research process and work schedule. Instructors pay special attention to the methodology while grading the submissions and can put forward viva questions on the same. Overall, it helps the students and their teachers systematically approach the study in focus.

Here we will look into the concept in detail and learn to develop a well-defined strategy for the writing part. So, let’s begin.

Various approaches in methodology 

The methodological approach remains constant for the case studies and dissertations, with slight differences here and there. If you go through a Contract law case studies sample, English dissertation work, or Biology assignment homework, the base will be the same. All that keeps on varying are the subject-wise technicalities. Nonetheless, two fundamental approaches are used in research, I.e., Qualitative and quantitative, followed by a mixed method.

Qualitative Research Approach

The qualitative approach requires:

  • A small number of respondents.
  • The research process is subjective.
  • It is focused on curating a comprehensive description.
  • The main focus is placed on observation.

Quantitative Research Approach

The quantitative approach requires:

  • Researchers to quantify data.
  • Come up with generalised results from a target population.
  • The data collection process is completely structured.
  • Objective analysis is being focused on backed up by statistical means.

Mixed Methods

It is a combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches:

  • However, the primary focus is on the detailed results rather than regular generalisations.
  • A single incident is analysed from various angles.

Key elements of a Methodology section in your dissertation

The methodology section helps with an organised execution of the entire research process. It includes all the essential elements in concern, offering a well-organised mindmap of the final dissertation that an instructor can expect. Here is a complete list of the five key elements in a methodology section:

  1. Enquiry logic: Here, you need to focus on the approach you have chosen to proceed with. Explain whether it is qualitative, quantitative, or a mix of both.   
  2. Setting and participants: Elaborate on the choice of participants and what made you do that. Point out the characteristics of the selected respondent group and how you have planned to move forward. Do not forget to talk about the sampling method as well.
  • The data collection procedure used: Talk about the collection process used, i.e., structured or unstructured interviews and questionnaires. While the structured way of an interview is appropriate for qualitative research, the unstructured way stands best for the quantitative approach. You can also go with the mixed method if necessary.
  • Data analysis: Here, you need to talk about the entire process behind transcribing and analysing a particular data set. Statistical tests are appropriate for quantitative research, while the theme and content-based analysis provide adequate answers for qualitative research.
  • Ethical issues: Plagiarism is an absolute hard limit, which no institute tolerates. You need to mention all the ethical norms followed throughout the entire dissertation. And that all the respondents were real with their answers. None were put under any pressure or bribed with illegal means.

The methodology section – A step-by-step guide

Here is a step-by-step approach for you to come up with an appropriate methodology section:

  • Talk about your methods: Talk about the methodological approach you have chosen to stick by.
  • Establish a connection: In the second step, you need to explain the area of relevance between your research methodology and the context of the dissertation. Whether you seek Physics homework help, aBiology dissertation online or Maths related topic, the criteria remain the same.
  • Introduce the instruments: Focus on discussing the tools you have used to collect data and how. These tools can be anything between questionnaires, surveys, observations and 1:1 interviews. If you have used someone else’s findings to draw an adequate conclusion, provide background information about the same. Talk about the original researcher and his other publications.
  • Elaborate analysis: Discuss how you will analyse the data captured. You can go for statistical analysis or venture into the field of theoretical perspectives for observed behaviours.
  • Add background information: Only applicable if you are using unfamiliar research methodology types.
  • Talk about the sampling process: A variety of sampling processes are interconnected with the methodology you use. Try to have adequate answers backing up the technique you use.
  • Add research limitations: Address all the limitations you might have while conducting research for your dissertation. Also, clear what made you not change your decision after so many hardships.

Avoid writing these in your Methodology

Be precise with what you incorporate in the methodology section:

  • Do not include irrelevant jargon.
  • Try to be on point and precise. Do not go into unnecessary elaborations that you do not need.
  • Make sure to talk about the unfamiliar methods used in your dissertation. Avoid repeating the common processes.

What makes a methodology section so much important?

Now that you are well accustomed to all the essential facts relevant to the methodology section of your dissertation output, let’s focus on the importance of the same:

  • It is the only place to showcase your knowledge of technicalities. The space helps you into a comprehensive guide and better understanding from the reader’s part.
  • Once your instructor is thoroughly impressed by the methodology used, they will no longer question the legitimacy of your dissertation findings.
  • Issues of plagiarism can be dealt with with an organised methodological output.
  • Also, a dissertation having a clear methodology section serves as the right source of literature review for future researchers.

Factors that you need to be mindful of while selecting a particular research methodology

List of factors that you need to be careful about while selecting a particular methodology type:

  • Objective: Take note of the dissertation objective and select relevant methodology techniques.   
  • Statistical significance: Next, determine whether you need elaborative answers or statistics-based explanations. You will need to choose between qualitative and quantitative data collection processes accordingly.  
  • Time span: The amount of time available significantly influences the research technique. For less time, you need to go with random sampling methods and stick to the in-person interviews when you have enough.  
  • Sample size: The dissertation’s sample size and target audience have much to do with your research methodology.

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Final Thoughts

The methodology section in a dissertation is of utmost importance, and you can never apply any shortcut with the same. This particular write-up has helped you come up with a comprehensive approach and make the right type of decisions accordingly.

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