October 22, 2024

Withdrawal During Hospitalization in the Addiction Service

Withdrawal During Hospitalization in the Addiction Service

In most cases, weaning from alcohol dependence requires addiction service institutional care and hospital care. The hospital center of the four towns in the center of the city. The patient may be offered hospitalization in the addiction medicine department .The first one to observe microorganisms was Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek. He observed microorganisms by using a simple microscope. He used a microscope that he designed himself. This was a single lensed microscope. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek is known as the father of microbiologyt.

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Alcohol Causing disorders

Alcohol use disorders concern a very large majority of dependent people in the United States. This service welcomes people with other addictions. People with polyaddictions and requiring hospital care.

All stakeholders are trained in the management of chronic alcohol patients in withdrawal. patients with drug addiction multiple drug addiction. The medical and paramedical team ensures that the Clean and Clear Advantage Recovery site.rehab centers near me go smoothly. It welcomes you in excellent hotel conditions.

Choice of Weaning Mode

Therapeutic alcohol withdrawal is the cessation of alcohol consumption. The patients with a physical dependence on alcohol. The objective of weaning is the entry into a process of complete and lasting abstention from alcohol.

Stopping alcohol consumption in alcohol-dependent. The person is dangerous the withdrawal syndrome associates. In a variable way, several types of manifestations.

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In most cases:

  • anxiety, restlessness, irritability, insomnia, nightmares,
  • sweating, tremors, tachycardia, high blood pressure,
  • anorexia, nausea, vomiting.

In the hours that follow, this table can be complicates:

  • confusing signs,
  • hallucinations
  • a delirium,
  • convulsions
  • hyperthermia.

Weaning requires medical care with the concrete support of various stakeholders.

It performs on an outpatient basis hospitalization.

Hospitalization requires if there are indications:


failure of a previous outpatient withdrawal or drug dependence on benzodiazepines,


history of seizures or delirium tremens serious. somatic pathology (hepato-cellular insufficiency, chronic renal insufficiency. Cardiopulmonary insufficiency) which can decompensate at the time of weaning,


major anxiety-depressive syndrome, or known progressive psychiatric condition.

social family isolation or desocialization,


‘institutional weaning in a pregnant woman allows multidisciplinary care (gyneco-obstetrician. Addictology, pediatrician, etc.) and better prevention of weaning accidents that are harmful to weaning.

Weaning process

How to be admits to the unit. The hospitalization request makes via an admission file. It is accessible online or on request to our secretariat.

Organization of Hospitalization

Hospitalization lasts an average of fourteen days. It adapts to each clinical or psychological state.

Admission is in the morning at 8:30 a.m. The patient greets a health professional. It installs in his room. A clinical biological examination performs. The modalities of hospitalization explain to him. The withdrawal treatment undergoes medical supervision

Hospitalization in the Addiction Service

In Hospitalization, there are many things to perform. The patient benefits from individual medical. It is psychological monitoring. Psychiatric social family follow-up may be offered to him alcohol use disorders are Good service. It is usually associated with somatic and psychiatric illnesses and socio-professional difficulties.

Addiction Service Workshops

The hospital care protocol includes a program of workshops and therapeutic meetings. The group approach to addiction disorders indicates practices in the treatment protocols. Many Western countries, for these pathologies. Hospitalized patients invites to participate in all groups prescribed for them.

Their stay in alcohol rehab near me, patients must strictly respect the institutional framework and exhibit appropriate behavior in care.

After Hospitalization

The wean dependent patient will offer an adapted “care path” to consolidate his recovery. The day hospital, follow-up and rehab centers near me, recovery groups, outpatient consultations, treatment therapies. group and family center for recovery, mindfulness and relaxation, psychotherapy.

Hotel Conditions

The service has 28 beds, 10 of which are in single rooms. If you wish, you can request room-only accommodation.

All the rooms are comfortable, bright, and equipped with a bathroom.

To make your stay more pleasant, you can rent a television from the cafeteria. Our HAPPYTAL concierge is able to offer you a full range of services for:

  • Relax: reflexology, massage, hairdresser, aesthetics, WI-FI …
  • Indulge yourself: toiletry bag, hygiene and everyday products, ordering meals outside,
  • Simplify your life: home help, animal care, dry cleaning.

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